Thursday, October 8, 2009


Just in time for Halloween, I'm feeling quite like a zombeh. >_>

Once again, I'm feeling quite tired, far too early in the day. I'm wondering how much getting my eyes checked and getting new glasses will help with this. Maybe if my eyes aren't always straining, I'll not have so much fatigue.

So, my class schedule this quarter is actually quite fabulous. I only have three classes, so I got the slightly less doom-like quarter I wanted. Granted, one of said classes is very high workload, but I'm thankfully off both the day before and day after it. It's gonna be a tough class, as it's environmental design, and I kind of really stink at environments, but it's being taught by probably my favourite teacher at this school, and I'm going to be doing the home of one of my REALLY quirky original characters. XD (That character being Lahadra Lynn, for those of you who actually know who that is.)

Restoring my will power is probably going to be the hardest thing of all. At times when I'm feeling constantly tired, it's even harder to force myself to work on things, even things that desperately need to get done, and the more behind I get, the more stressed out I am, and the more tired I become. These vicious cycles are the worst.

Sorry I've not been very philosophical lately, and have just been rambling about my stresses. Hopefully that'll be better in the future.

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