Friday, August 20, 2010

More Self-discovery

As it goes, I'm documenting some of my personal progress. If that's not what you want to read, then you can safely skip this one.

On the other hand, the nice thing about human discovery is that it's very rarely applicable to only one person. I've talked to a lot of people about how I've had little motivation and will-power, and it's a common problem. Maybe someone else can find something that will help them in here.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Small Science Rant

I've been watching the UK science funding debates through Prof. Brian Cox, after having discovered him on Wonders of the Solar System. After reading a few articles on the subject today, I thought I'd throw in my two cents:

This, first off, is not something that applies only to the United Kingdom, but here in the United States as well, and indeed in the world as a whole.

Monday, March 29, 2010

*sighs* Prejudice is Sickening

I keep trying to post a comment Here, but I can't get it to go through, probably because it's too long. Here's my comment in its entirety, and some afterthoughts. Read the article first, obviously. It's quite sickening, and the comments are worse.

This is a perfect example of reverse-prejudice. A group who has been repressed and hated grows to be the one bearing the hate, even generations later. Dark thoughts run deep. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Religion vs. Spirituality

During a call home to my mother, I found myself discussing, as I occasionally do, the ideas of spirituality. There may be some crossover between this and some of my other rants, but I thought I would get some things down.

I have, before, been asked why it is I do not prescribe to any particular religion. I have been criticized for this on multiple occasions, and likewise, I have attempted on occasion to start going to church, even once so far (quite on my own, without any prompting from my family) attending church weekly for a period of a few months, almost to the point of being Baptized.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gender Stereotypes Rant

Edit: Apologies for some of my immaturity in this rant, particularly during the first half. I had it brought to my attention that I let my emotions get the better of me, and that I made judgements in the opening that were too subjective and defensive. I'm not editing the content of the post, as I believe it is important that I leave up examples of where I've done things wrong, so that I may learn to avoid it in the future, when I will hopefully be studying this as a professional.

Hello, and welcome to another one of my rants.  XD

Two things today prompted me to rant a bit.  First off, I was talking to a fellow bigender today, and we briefly brought up the subject of gender stereotypes.  Secondly, I was browsing Youtube, and found a Beyonce video entitled, "If I Were a Boy"

Video HERE